The introduction of Android User Interface (UI) Fab Button & Snackbar

Android Fab & Snackbar


Android Snackbar

Snackbar in android is a new widget that was introduced with the library as a replacement Material Design Toast.

Snackbar is a lightweight Android widget and used to display a message on the bottom of the app by swiping enabled.

Snackbar syntax examples are applied in class java.

Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar.make(coordinatorLayout,   "", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG);;

fab Button

Android Fab Button

Floating Action Buttons Android is more interesting components are introduced in material design.

Float floating action buttons on the UI in the form of a circular with the accompanying action.

To use the design features of the material, you must add the latest gradle:

compile '‘
//change text XX.X.X with the new version.

Source: Master Android (App)

Post Author: Study