Adding Adsense Ads on AMP


Hello This time i want to share Adding Adsense Ads on AMP, immediately wrote ya.

Step by Step

Configuring Advertising on AMP

at this time you ads on AMP configuration, select menu “Advertisement” if it is appearance and then the switch your ads on right (if on going green).

filling Advertising

if it is green, you just have Ad Client and Ad Slot, and make sure the appropriate size, if you want to change to other sizes can be, make sure that the existing measures in the same adsense.

Ad code

if you are confused find AD Client and Ad Slot, you can check again on your adsense, gw blurin it is Ad Client and Ad Slot, if you have found. You simply copy & paste and insert into Advertisement AMP menu.

The final result

The final word

Congratulations! you have studied Adding Adsense Ads on AMP. maybe it was just hell from me, thank ya

Post Author: Study