Checkout Project in Android Studio


Hello, this time I want to share how to Checkout Project from Github to Android Studio, immediately wrote cekidot.

Checkout Project

Checkout from Version Control

If you open the Android App Studio will display the menu like this, and to Checkout Project you can select the “Checkout project from version control” then select “GIT” in the dropdown menu.

Select the Project on GitHub

After that you select the Project that you want Checkout and copy / clone git link it with the way push the button “Clone or Download” and display a link to the checkout, and you can copy the link.

clone Repository

Once you’ve selected the “Git” in Checkout project from version control Android Studio, will appear like this, and you Paste the link that has your copy on github, and do not forget to press the “Test” to test whether the link is successful or what we have done right, if successful will have the words “Sucessful connection” means what we are doing is correct, and click the button “Clone”.

Project Clone

After successfully Clone will appear like this, but the clone process takes some time to prepare the file.

Via Command Line Tools

“git clone git
” ———————————–

on kodingan above is the Project Checkout via Command Line Tools.

The final word

maybe it could gw aja share, but weve i prefer via the UI rather than the command line, weve should we use the command line let plasticity expertnya

Post Author: Study